A documentary, “Young @ Heart”, a chorus of senior citizens from Massachusetts made by Walker George in 2007. I saw this great documentary in January 2010 on the PBS series “Independent Lens”, (www.youngatheartchorus.com).
Young@Heart was created in 1982 and all of the members lived in an elderly housing project in Northampton. Actually, the current performers in Young@Heart range in age from 73 to 89. Some have prior professional theater or music experience, others have performed extensively on the amateur level, and some never stepped onto a stage before turning 80.
This darn song is stuck in my head, I like this version by these folks.
Young@Heart:"Fix You". So beautiful, so pure, each time I listen this song, it makes me almost cry.
January first 2009, Fred Knittle (this singer) died at age 83.