Thursday, January 28, 2010


A documentary, “Young @ Heart”, a chorus of senior citizens from Massachusetts made by Walker George in 2007. I saw this great documentary in January 2010 on the PBS series “Independent Lens”, (
Young@Heart was created in 1982 and all of the members lived in an elderly housing project in Northampton. Actually, the current performers in Young@Heart range in age from 73 to 89. Some have prior professional theater or music experience, others have performed extensively on the amateur level, and some never stepped onto a stage before turning 80.

Young@Heart:"Road to nowhere"

This darn song is stuck in my head, I like this version by these folks.

Young@Heart:"Fix You". So beautiful, so pure, each time I listen this song, it makes me almost cry.

January first 2009, Fred Knittle (this singer) died at age 83.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Colts Bring Jets Down to Earth

  In a bar, in New York City, watching the game, my friend Zuhair was so desappointed (like me) by the score: The  Colts were celebrating their 30-17 victory over the Jets in the American Football Conference championship game.
But the  Jets will be back, next year....   J.E.T.S..... Jets, Jets, Jets.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New York City "No Pants" Subway Ride 2010

In the middle of another brutally cold  Sunday,  January 10th on the rails, groups of passengers pulled their pants down and took them right off.  Riders met at meeting points spread out all over the city and converged on Union Square. In New York’s 9th Annual No Pants!