During the trips I made along different states in U.S.A, I saw people trying to make a little money by selling , along the road, second-hand items: clothing, jewelry, trinkets, ...
Here is, some people I met.
Larry Riddle in Damascus with his dog "Sally" (Virginia), in 2008.
Larry: "I am 47 years old... I have been in and out of prison in my younger years ...
About seven years ago my thinking began to change. I was running from the law and living on the Appalachian Trail. And it was out on that trail that I began to write. Shortly there after I had a profound spiritual experience and my thinking changed for ever".
Visit, Larry Riddle: "The only wanderer".
This video is an intimate portrait of a husband and wife in Portland, Oregon. This couple built a life and a business, only to see their world quickly fall apart. At this time, the Crandalls are behind in rent and have received two eviction notices to leave their house.