"El patron" Douglas Zaunbrecher just passed to collect the bags when we were talking to Isidoro.. The Mexican worker went away and we had a long discussion with Douglas, about the cultures rotation (crawfish from february to july, and rice in late summer and fall, when the water has been drained), quantity harvested, competition, distribution system ("six to seven bars come directly to our place", he said) etc. Then Douglas proposed to follow him to the farm.
... "And does the female taste better ?", funny French visitors could have asked..Afternoon job for the Mexican workers employed by the Zaunbrechers ; they cut the fish that's gonna be used the morning after as bait, to attract the crawfish in the traps. Those guys (11 on the site) usually work 6 to maximum 9 months a year, until the expiration of their visa. They make 70 USD a day, are off on Sundays only. They come from central Mexico, around San Miguel Allende. Their employer provides them health insurance, he said.
mais des photos de toi !!!