Tuesday, November 24, 2009

David Lynch interview project

Interview Project is directed by David Lynch's son, Austin Lynch, and Jason S. 
Over the course of a 20,000-mile road trip over 70 days, the duo filmed "typical Americans"  in their"natural habitats" telling their own stories.

The result of so much pavement pounding appear at interviewproject.davidlynch.com.  

Enjoyed this kind of road trip project. Fifi.     
Thank You Marie for the link.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Laramie in Wyoming

At the end of october, Thelma and me, we made a trip from Denver (Colorado) to Buffalo (Wyoming). In this amazing landscape, I remembered all the western movies I watched during my childhood.  Thank you for Amy, Debbie, Dawn, Chris, Bob, Dona, Mitch, Suzi,Tom...who were open-minded with us.

 The first video and the second one are about the begining of this trip we made from Denver (Colorado) to Laramie (Wyoming).
The third video was in Laramie. Each twenty minutes a train cross the town.
The fourth,  owner and  founder, Tom Mattimore of Civil War boots shop. 
His website: http://www.civilwarboots.com/