Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jesus Camp

I watched this amazing documentary about an evangelical Christian summer camp for the kids,  in the US.

"Ms. Fischer, an evangelical Christian, helps run Kids on Fire, a summer camp in Devils Lake, N.D., that grooms children to be soldiers in “God’s army.” ...  Ms. Fischer understands full well that the indoctrination of children when they are most impressionable (under 13 and preferably between 7 and 9) with evangelical dogma is the key to the movement’s future growth...The majority of the children in “Jesus Camp” are home-schooled by evangelical parents who teach them creationism and dismiss science...".         By STEPHEN HOLDEN Published: September 22, 2006    

“Jesus Camp” (2006) is the second film by the documentary team of Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady to explore the molding of young minds. 

In this extract, some kids are praying  in tongue language.
There is an  interpretation can be summarized as follows: praying in tongues is a personal prayer language between a believer and God. 

Bill Maher discusses the new documentary 'Jesus Camp' on Real Time.


Jesus Camp Filmmakers interview clip.

1 comment:

  1. T'as besoin de Jesus, Fifi. Ca c'est ton problème.
